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Make Your Own Beats: Featuring... Sonic Producer
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Sonic Producer       1


Make Your Own Beats: Sonic Producer Review

We receive hundreds of questions from musicians everyday at Indie-Music Network, and two of the top questions we receive are...""where can I find beats" and "how can I make beats for my music"? 



We explain the options that musicians have available to them e.g. royalty free, non-exclusive, and exclusive beats...and normally at the end of the day, the musicians who contact us just want a simple solution that doesn't involve dealing with copyrights or legal issues regarding paying royalties...they just want good beats that don't cost much money.


Although some opt to pay a free per each beat they choose to buy, as you can imagine, the price can add up really they begin looking at other options.


This is where Sonic Producer enters the picture.


Instead of paying a fee for each and every beat you want to use in your music, you can use Sonic Producer to make an unlimited number of beats for one affordable price.  You can have complete control over the beats you make, and regardless if you are a beginner, intermediate, or have access to great tools to help you make your own beats  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


These tools include a cutting edge music sequencer that is easy to use, and designed to export the hot beats you create to mp3.  You'll also receive production lessons via video tutorials, and written guides that discuss Pro Tools, software instruments, keyboards and a lot more.


What also sets this system apart from others is that the man behind this system (our friend Jamie) is a professional music producer who knows his stuff, and is available to help out if you have any questions using the system...after you become a member.


You can get started today, and as an added can enter the Sonic Producer contest for a chance to win $500!


The bottom line is... if you want to make your own beats, visit the following link to check out Sonic Producer'll be happy you did!


Special Note: We'll also try to provide you with tips to help you select the right course for your needs and stay clear of beat making scams in our  FREE Indie-Music Tips Newsletter. You can Click This Link to Sign up Free! if you haven't already.


create music beatSpecial Note: We'll also try to provide you with tips to help you create the right music beats for your needs and stay clear of beat making scams in our  FREE Indie-Music Tips Newsletter. You can Click This Link to Sign up Free! if you haven't already.






Sonic Producer Testimonial

"Dear Jay, I am one of your members and students :-) a happy one at that! First off, thanks for the great program! I wanted to tell you my friends think I should start doing auditions and play in a band professionally. I couldn't have done it without your teachings! I am playing in whole new level now, and I wanted to thank you! - Susan O, Portland, WA


Bottom Line: You pay a small one time membership and you can make your own beats that you have full control over.  You can create an unlimited number of beats and will not have to worry about paying royalty fees, or dealing with legal copyright issues.  The sound samples come with a full 60 -day money-back guarantee (less s&h) so you get a great value for your money, and there is nothing to lose.  Don't just take our word for it...see for yourself by visiting the link below.


Insider Tip: There is a free demo version of Sonic Producer that you can check out at the link below.  Also, if you need help with a certain technique, you can email J Lewis and he'll help you out. He will also include the technique in the next members area update so others can benefit from using the technique.


Yes, I’m ready to make my own beats today!


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Visit the Produce Music section of our site.